1. We value the Word of God
We believe the Bible is God’s Word to humanity and therefore relevant for every person at every moment in history. This informs our commitment to make the Bible central at Restoration Community Church. Our sermons and small group Bible studies will consider the Bible’s contemporary relevance by determining each text’s original meaning within its context.
2. We value worship
Worship is the act of declaring and properly responding to God’s infinite worth. Christians uniquely believe that Jesus is God in human flesh, and that he is the Savior of humanity through his death and resurrection. We will therefore extol him and allow his saving work to infuse our songs and sermons. Our worship each Sunday morning will strive for relevance in terms of style and reverence in terms of ethos.
3. We value biblical governance
We believe Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, and that he delegates authority to godly leaders who are to govern with humility, love, and by example. The New Testament frequently refers to such leaders as a group (Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 5:17; James 5:14), indicating that plurality seems to be the normative pattern for local church governance. Restoration Community Church seeks to adopt this pattern.
4. We value community
According to the Bible, to be a Christian is to belong to a community (1 Corinthians 12:12), and the local church is the place where this community is experienced (1 Thessalonians 5:11; James 5:16). The local church is also where Christians should be nurtured and equipped toward maturity in faith and service (Ephesians 4:11-13). Our hope is that consistent involvement in the local church will be one of the most enriching experiences in the Christian life.
5. We value the church’s local and global mission
We believe that God will restore our broken world solely through Jesus’ finished work on the cross (Genesis 3:15; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 20-28, 50-57). We are therefore committed to sharing this good news with respect but without apology. Another vital component of our mission is serving our local and global community. The Bible encourages God’s people to “seek the peace and prosperity of their city” (Jeremiah 29:7), and we want to follow the examples of Christians who cared for the poor and marginalized (Acts 2:45; Galatians 2:10).